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The Estonian Press Council (Pressinõukogu) is a voluntary body of media self-regulation to handle complaints from the public about material in the media. The Council provides the public with a possibility to find solutions to disagreements with the media without the need to go to court. The Press Council discusses complaints about material that has appeared in the press, in online portals with journalistic content, and on public service broadcasting stations. No longer than three months must have passed since the material appeared. The handling of complaints is free of charge and quick - the Council meets once a month. The Council Statute can be seen here.

The Council

The Estonian Press Council has ten members, including six from the media sector and four lay members from the non-media sectors. The Press Council has a rotating chairman.

The Estonian Press Council (Pressinõukogu) was set up in 2002 by the Estonian Newspaper Association. In 2003, the main online news portals agreed to stick to the standards set by the Press Council regarding journalistic content of these sites. In 2005, the public service Estonian Radio and Estonian Television joined the system and Press Council members are also  online-portal Delfi and commercial broadcasters Kanal 2 and TV 3, BNS, radio Kuku and Tallinn TV.
