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Excerpts are underlined in the text and highlighted when activated. Each of them relates to an ethical principle that is displayed on click, as well as the list of journalistic codes of ethics that also refer to this same principle.


The Charter of Journalistic Ethics

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Freedom of speech and expression is a fundamental right of any person. Every duty and liability of a journalist derives from the right of society to be informed regarding events and opinions.

Ethical principle:

Journalism in society > Protecting and promoting freedom of speech-press > Providing information

Providing information

This principle was also found in:
The charter is based on Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and International Federation of journalists (IFD) and the Declaration of Principles on the Conduct of Journalists. These principles have been implemented for journalists that collect, transmit and spread information and comments concerning current events. As representatives of the Georgian media we recognize and acknowledge the liability to protect the principles listed below, and the responsibly related to the aforementioned liabilities. Within the framework of Georgian legislation, we consider these professional issues as the authority of our own colleagues and exclude any interference on the part of the government or any other power in the realization of the given authority.

The Charter


Journalist must respect the truth and the right of society, in order to receive accurate information.

Ethical principle:

Reporting facts as they are > Accuracy


This principle was also found in:


It is unacceptable to coerce a journalist to express an opinion against his/her conscience.

Ethical principle:

Rights of journalism > Refusing unethical assignments > Not acting against one's convictions

Not acting against one’s convictions

This principle was also found in:


Journalist must report information based solely upon facts from confirmed sources.

Ethical principle:

Reporting facts as they are > Verification of information

Verification of information

This principle was also found in:


Journalists must only rely on scrupulous and fair methods when collecting information, photo materials, or documents.

Ethical principle:

Being fair > Fairness in gathering information

Fairness in gathering information

This principle was also found in:


The media is liable to correct substantially incorrect information which misleads society.

Ethical principle:

Reporting facts as they are > Correction of errors by media

Correction of errors by media

This principle was also found in:


Journalists have a moral responsibility not to disclose confidential sources.


Journalists must understand the dangers of encouraging discrimination on the part of the media; therefore, he/she must exert every effort to avoid discrimination of any person on the basis of race, sex, sexual orientation, language, religion, political and other opinion, national or social origin, or any other grounds.


Journalists are liable to protect children rights; in his/her professional activity, given the highest priority to children interests, neither can journalists prepare nor publish articles or reports regarding children that may be harmful to them. Journalist must not interview, as well as photograph, a youth under the age of 16 on issues related to the welfare of the given or any other youth without the consent of the parents or the guardian.


Journalists must make a clear distinction between editorial materials and materials related to marketing, advertising, and those ?nanced by a sponsor.

Ethical principle:

Media independence > Independence regarding personal interests > Sponsored or reimbursed goods by third parties

Sponsored or reimbursed goods by third parties

This principle was also found in:


Journalists must pay respect to privacy, and not intrude into the private lives of people unless there is special public interest.

Ethical principle:

Being fair > Dignity > Privacy (and the public interest)

Privacy (and the public interest)

This principle was also found in:


Journalists must consider the following actions as grave professional offences:

  • Deliberate distortion of facts;

    Ethical principle:

    Reporting facts as they are > Accuracy > Distortion of facts or forgery

    Distortion of facts or forgery

    This principle was also found in:

  • Reception of any kind of bribery, gifts, or other benefits in exchange for influencing a journalists professional activity

  • Plagiarism.
