Albania Media Council is an independent organisation of journalists, registered as a legal NGO aiming at a more ethical, professional and independent media.
The organisation was established in 2015 as an initiative of a core group of 7 quality-conscious media professionals, with the purpose to promote self-regulation among the community, as a mean to re-establish trust and maintain media’s credibility with the Albanian public.
The founding members of the Council are more than thirty albanian journalists from TV, print and online media.
Governing body of the Albanian Media Council is the General Assembly of Members and Steering committee comprised of 7 members.
While a Code of Ethic for the media In Albania is conducted in 1996 and once again in 2006, efforts to establish a media council in years have resulted unsuccessful, in spite of the fact that breach of code is continuous and has become the standard.
- Year of creation: 2017
- Website:
- Code of Ethics' name: Kodi i Etikes