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Union of Journalists' Code of Ethics

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Text contains news, after the changes approved at the 4th Congress of Journalists, in January, and confirmed in the referendum of October 26, 27 and 28, 2017.

  1. A journalist has a duty to report the facts with accuracy and to interpret them honestly. The facts should be checked by hearing the parties with notable interests in the case. The distinction between news and opinion must be made very clear in the eyes of the public.
  2. A journalist has to fight censorship and sensationalism and to consider accusations without proof and plagiarism as serious professional mistakes.
  3. A journalist has to fight against restrictions in the access to information sources, and against attempts to limit the freedom of expression and the right to inform. It is the obligation of a journalist to publicise any violations of those rights.
  4. A journalist has to use legal means in obtaining information, pictures or documents, and must avoid abusing anyone's trust. The identification of oneself as a journalist is a rule, the breaking of which is permissible only on the grounds of an unquestionable public interest and after verifying the impossibility of obtaining relevant information through normal processes.
  5. A journalist has to carry responsibility of all their work and professional acts, and they must correct information that proved to be false or inexact.
  6. A journalist has to refuse acts/behaviour that violate their conscience.
  7. Identification of one's sources is an essential must for a journalist. They must not reveal, not even in court, their confidential sources except when they have been deceived by false information. Opinions must always be attributed.
  8. A journalist has to respect the presumption of innocence until a case is finished. A journalist must not identify, directly or indirectly, victims or offenders of sexual crimes. Journalists must not identify minors, indirectly or directly, whether they be sources, witnesses of news events, witnesses of newsworthy events, victims, or perpetrators of acts that the law qualifies as a crime. Journalists must not cause people humiliation or disturb their sorrow.
  9. A journalist must not treat people in a discriminatory way, based on their heritage, colour, ethnicity, language, place of origin, religion, political or ideological viewpoints, education, economic situation, social status, age, sex, gender, or sexual orientation.
  10. A journalist has to respect the private life of citizens except when the public interest demands revelation or when the behaviour of the person in question is contradictory to the values and principles that they publicly defend. Before collecting statements and images, the journalist should ensure that the conditions of serenity, freedom, dignity, and responsibility of the people involved are met.
  11. A journalist must reject requests, functions, and benefits that could jeopardise his/her independent status and professional integrity. A journalist must not use his professional status in order to get personal benefits.